Life Support Training Center

The Life Support Training Center is the first center in Jordan affiliated with the American Heart Association (AHA). It offers high-quality courses for health care professionals and many other segments of the community.

Life Support Courses

Training courses for registered nurses and licensed practical nurses

Training Course: Basic Life Support (BLS)

Audience: Healthcare providers

Duration: 5 hours

Accredited by: AHA

To download the introductory leaflet, click here.

The course enables healthcare professionals to recognize several life threatening emergencies, provide CPR, use an AED, and relieve choking in a safe, timely and effective manner. It also provides training in CPR and relief of foreign-body airway obstruction for collapsed adults, children, and infants.

American Heart Association (AHA) certification criteria:

  • At the end of the course, participants are required to sit for a theoretical and practical test to receive a certificate accredited by the AHA.
  • This certificate is valid for two years, and is renewable at the Life Support Training Center.
  • Trainees participate in simulated medical scenarios overseen by an AHA-accredited instructor. Students also complete a theoretical exam to evaluate their skills.

Training Course: Advanced Cardiac Life Support for Adults (ACLS)

Audience: Healthcare providers

Duration: 12 hours

Accredited by: AHA

To download the introductory leaflet, click here.

This course is facilitated by a certified trainer and focuses on the importance of effective communication between team members, in light of the critical need to provide immediate care after cardiac arrest. It also highlights the skills needed to deal with cases of suffocation such as opening an airway, and information about the necessary medication for such cases. The course lasts for two days and is intended to address and manage cardiac emergencies and strokes.

American Heart Association (AHA) Certification Criteria:

  • Upon conclusion of the course, participants must undergo a theoretical and practical test. All trainees who pass this test will obtain a certificate accredited by the AHA.
  • This certificate is valid for two years and can be renewed at the Life Support Training Center.

Training Course: Pediatric Advanced Life Support (PALS)

Audience: Healthcare providers

Duration: 14 hours

Accredited by: AHA

To download the introductory leaflet, click here.

The PALS course has been redesigned to keep pace with the latest medical science and guidelines from 2015 from the AHA.

In this course, the trainer relies on video clips and simulations of children's emergencies to illustrate correct methodologies when assessing children's cases.

The course aims to advance the level of medical care provided to children.

American Heart Association (AHA) Certification Criteria:

The trainees receive an accredited cardiac and respiratory resuscitation certificate (electronic or printed), valid for two years, after completing the following:

  • Active participation in the course and completion of all educational levels.
  • Completion of the open theory test with a score of no less than 84%.
  • Passing the first and second tests in CPR for children and infants.
  • Passing two hypothetical cases in CPR, respiration, and trauma, provided that the trainee acts as the team leader, provides the correct treatment, and demonstrates effective communication skills with the team.

Training Course: Pediatric Emergency Assessment Recognition and Stabilization (PERS).

Audience: Healthcare providers

Duration: 9 hours

Accredited by: AHA

To download the introductory leaflet, click here.

The PALS course has been realigned as to keep pace with the latest medical science and guidelines for the year 2015 by the American Heart Association.

Trainees learn how to follow a structured approach when assessing and treating a child's medical condition in cases of emergency, trauma, cardiac and respiratory arrest, until the child is transferred to a competent medical care provider.

During this course, trainees deal with real cases, in addition to specially-designed realistic simulations and drawings to assess and manage children's emergencies related to suffocation, trauma, and heart attacks until the condition of the child is stabilized. Trainees are introduced to all the medical interventions necessary to save a child's life in the first minutes of response, until the child is transferred to a competent medical care provider.

American Heart Association (AHA) Certification Criteria:

Trainees who successfully complete this course will obtain an accredited certificate in pediatric emergency (electronic or printed), which is valid for two years, upon completing the following:

  • Active participation of the trainee.
  • Active participation in simulations for rescue skills related to breathing emergencies and heart attacks.
  • Passing two hypothetical cases related to CPR, respiratory emergency, and trauma.
  • Passing the theory video test with a score of no less than 84%.

Training Course: Basic Electrocardiogram Interpretation (ECG)

Audience: Healthcare providers

Duration: 9 hours

Accredited by: AHA

To download the introductory leaflet, click here.

The Basic ECG course covers the knowledge gap in ECG and focuses on basic ECG skills.

This course is a prerequisite of the ADR course for trainees, healthcare providers, or students who have completed the prerequisite of the ADR course and find a need to develop their knowledge in this area.

American Heart Association (AHA) Certification Criteria:

  • At the end of this course, trainees must undergo a theoretical exam, in which a certificate will be awarded to those who pass the test.
  • A certificate of participation is issued by KHCC.

Training Course: Heart Saver First Aid CPR AED.

Audience: Airline staff, policemen, firefighters, security guards, health club coaches, nursery employees.

Duration: 7 hours

Accredited by: AHA

To download the introductory leaflet, click here.

This course is provided by an AHA certified trainer via video in a classroom. It is intended for people who have not had any previous medical training and need a first aid or CPR certification to meet specific job requirements, or other obligations.

This course teaches participants the critical skills needed to manage different emergency cases in the first few minutes until emergency medical services (EMS) takes over. They learn how to recognize, respond to and treat a variety of first aid emergencies, and perform CPR and use an AED in the event of

cardiac arrest.

American Heart Association (AHA) Certification Criteria:

  • Trainees receive certification from the AHA in cardiac resuscitation and first aid, valid for two years.

To register for AHA courses at KHCC, please fill out the application form for CPR courses here and submit it either in person to the Life Support Training Center at KHCC, or email it to one of the following address: