Nursing Department

Accreditations and Programs

  • Magnet Recognition Program
    The Magnet Certificate is issued by the American Nursing Certification Center (ANCC), which is the largest center in the world for accrediting institutions and hospitals that provide advanced nursing care according to international standards.
    In 2019, KHCC received the International Magnet Certificate, becoming the first center specialized in cancer treatment outside the USA to be awarded this certificate, and one of only ten hospitals in the world outside the USA to obtain this certificate.

  • Education and Professional Development Accredited Program
    The Nursing Department has obtained accreditation for "Education and Professional Development" from the American Nursing Certificates Credentialing Center to meet the learning needs of nurses at KHCC and ensure that all educational activities are based on the state-of-the-art practices, are aligned with international standards, and are not for commercial purposes. Ultimately, this contributes to their professional development during their career at KHCC.

  • Oncology Nursing Residency Program
    Nursing Department at KHCC applies the Oncology Nursing Residency Program (ON-RP) according to the standards of the American Nursing Certification Center (ANCC).  In enacting this program, the nursing department ensures that nurses are not only qualified, but experts in the domain of cancer care to a level that makes them provide the optimal nursing care for cancer patients.

    The Nursing Department has identified areas and gaps in which transitional actions should be considered to bridge the gap toward the best nursing practices. We believe that these transitional actions can be addressed through the Oncology Nursing Residency Program (ON-RP), beginning with a comprehensive preparatory program offered to newly graduated nurses who join KHCC.  The program uses expert personnel who offer training and professional development for nurses to prepare for a career as prepare them a specialist oncology nurse by advancing their level of knowledge, skills, and capabilities during their first six months.

Research and Evidence-based nursing unit

The Nursing Department at KHCC has paved the way for scientific research since 2010. By adopting strategies to promote evidence-based research and practice within nursing units, a research supervisor has been appointed with an independent job description, in addition to structured courses and workshops aimed at engaging nursing in the process of scientific research.  As a result, KHCC has produced many scientific research and publications in peer-reviewed scientific journals on the topic of male and female nurses.

  • Nursing Training Program
    The Nursing Training Program took off in 2015 through competency-based training for fourth-year nursing students, with the aim of enhancing student participation by providing real work experience for students to develop their professional skills. Students in the program receive many privileges during the training period, such as free medical examinations and free use of the e-learning system.
  • Shared Governance
    Shared governance enables nurses to manage nursing practices, in addition to involving them in administrative decision-making. Since 2011, the Nursing Department began to adopt shared governance strategies through committees that are formed in various nursing departments and units. These committees discuss nursing practices, training, education, patient satisfaction and projects to improve the quality of services.


Shared Governance Committees in the Nursing Department:

The Coordinating Council

Provides support and guidance to all nursing committees, as it acts as a coordination and support center for all committees.


Leadership Committee

It monitors and coordinates activities related to nursing leaders in the center, including department heads and supervisors, and includes training, education, mentoring and leadership preparation.


Performance Improvement and Quality Assurance Committee

Supervises and directs the function of all improvement activities and projects in the Nursing Department, while focusing on three axes (construction, operations, results).


The Nursing Research and Evidence-Based Practice Committee

The committee encourages a culture of scientific research, and supports practices based on scientific evidence, while working to implement them in practice. This committee is also keen on promoting excellence when providing nursing care in terms of knowledge and creativity.


The Nursing Practice Council

This council works to implement the standards of clinical nursing practices and patient care, according to the latest recommendations of scientific research and evidence-based practices.


The Professional Development Council

This council works to evaluate and implement the training and education standards to ensure the enhanced professional and cognitive development of nurses.


The Nursing Advocacy Council

This council implements strategies to support and recognize nurses based on competence, professionalism, devotion, and exceptional humane treatment.


Nursing Staff

Nurses represent 37% of the total number of employees at KHCC. Our team is comprised of over 1,100 nurses who specialize in caring for cancer patients. They also hold the highest university degrees, including masters and doctoral degrees.